Gym, Fitness & Pilates

“These smaller facilities generate 2-5x the revenue per member and offer a level of engagement that members are responding exceptionally well to and major national chains can’t match.
“Gym, fitness and Pilates franchise opportunities have been, and remain, an area of tremendous opportunity.  The health club market is large, well established and growing with 34,000 health clubs generating more than $24 billion annually in the US and projected to grow 23% over the next ten years, according to recent research by the IHRSA.”

Franchise opportunities are abound for specialized gym, fitness, and pilates franchises as they operate with a unique model:  Niche fitness boutiques offering a specialized workout centered around a singular format.

Interestingly, boutique gym, fitness and pilates franchise success isn’t coming at the expense of the large full service clubs. 42% of health club members also use a boutique facility.

Boutique fitness club clients pay by the class for instructor-led, small group sessions of yoga, pilates, spinning, boxing and other niche offerings.  They pay a premium for the class, convenience, and the sense of community that small groups and instructors enable. 

As reported in the WSJ, “with exercise routines serving more roles in people’s lives-stress relief, psychotherapy, social outlet, even personal identity – the expense of boutiques becomes easier to justify.” 

Pilates club members aren’t just putting in their 55 minutes to burn calories; they are participating in their passion with like-minded people and by doing so, creating a true community among thy gym members.

There are many business concepts and brands in the fitness category. Looking good, feeling good and new paths to health will never go out of style. Nominal capital investment and labor costs, as well as demonstrated resistance to recession-induced downturns as individuals continue to focus on their health and wellness regardless of the economy, make gym, fitness and pilates franchises a very rewarding opportunity for entrepreneurs.