You are currently viewing 3 Advantages to Opening a Business in Uncertain Times

3 Advantages to Opening a Business in Uncertain Times

1.)    Cheap money – The government wants to stimulate the economy and interest rates are some of the lowest that we will see in our life-time.  In some cases, there’s even opportunity to

2.)    Commercial real estate is less expensive – It has pretty much been a sellers-market for the past -10 years.  Landlords with quality spaces didn’t have to negotiate much b/c there was so much competition for their sites.  During and after a recession you should see more favorable lease terms to include some or all of lower rent per sq. ft, more tenant improvement dollars and longer initial free rent.

3.)    Higher quality employees – Unfortunately many individuals will be losing their job and looking for work.  As a business owner you should have a much better pool of candidates to choose from as you build your business.