Services & Process

01 – Information Gathering

The first step to exploring franchise opportunities to simply: ask! 

As both a former franchisor and franchisee, I can zero-in on the issues that will have the greatest impact on your franchise decision. 

02 – Consultation

With the information gathered in Step 1, I will create a customized model against which you can evaluate franchise opportunities.

This model will identify the franchisor attributes you feel are most important and serve as a simple tool to determine your match based on those ideal business characteristics.

03 – Selection

Next, I will mine our pre-screened inventory of franchises to see which opportunities fit your model and present those prospective franchisors to you.

Research that could take an independent franchisee months to conduct is a Franchise Guidance offering that can save you significant time and effort.

As you evaluate these opportunities, I am available to you for ongoing advice and consultations.

04 – Research & diligence

You have selected a personalized franchise model that takes into account the attributes you’re after.

You have pre-qualified franchise businesses that fit within that model.

Now you will research these businesses in depth. And while I cannot conduct your individual franchise research and interviews, I will be a resource and a sounding board for you throughout the entire process.

By the end, you will have selected the perfect franchise opportunity.